Performance Visualisation Tools
The performance data are acquired from Dino-run46, carried out in BasCat, TU Berlin. The primary aim of this run, was to understand the impact of employing different compositions on catalytic performance in syngas to ethanol (StE) reaction.
The four following catalytic compositions were tested:
Reactor-based Visualisations
Experiment-based Visualisation
Performance vs Time-On-Stream (TOS)
This function depicts the CO conversion for all tested catalysts across entire TOS.
DemoReactor-Based Selectivity vs Time-On-Stream (TOS)
This function depicts for each reactor a scatter plot of the selectivity of products for each single measured point across entire TOS.
DemoReactor-Based Yield vs Time-On-Stream (TOS)
This function depicts for each reactor a scatter plot of the yield of products for each single measured point across entire TOS.
DemoReactor-Based Stacked-Bar Selectivity vs. Time-On-Stream (TOS) Plot
This function depicts for each reactor stacked bar plot of the selectivity of products for each single measured point across entire TOS.
DemoReactor-Based Stacked-Bar Yield vs. Time-On-Stream (TOS) Plot
This function depicts for each reactor stacked bar plot of the yield of products for each single measured point across entire TOS.
BasCat 3D Catalyst analysis tool. Built on top of the Plotly JavaScript library, plotly enables Python users to create beautiful interactive web-based visualizations that can be displayed in Jupyter notebooks, saved to standalone HTML files, or served as part of pure Python-built web applications using Dash.